I Style!: Big Bang Srini
A crazy work day is made tolerable by a Vulcan salute from a Sheldon Cooper fan.
This is Srinivas Kulkarni (better known as Srini and the inspiration for such Sriniisms as “A Srini in time saves mine” by SWLers). For his poker-face acceptance of my announcement that he was being featured on the style section of my blog and for free Quora tuitions, Srini gets my I Style! vote.
For any of you who didn’t get the reference (shame! shame! shame!), here’s the answer:
Also see a Quora question on RPSLS. And this is how you play Sam Kass’s ‘Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock’:
- Scissors cuts paper
- Paper covers rock
- Rock covers lizard
- Lizard poisons Spock
- Spock smashes scissors
- Scissors decapitates lizard
- Lizard eats paper
- Paper disproves Spock
- Spock vaporizes rock
- Rock crushes scissors