AI Sad woman holding beautiful painting

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  1. I feel strangers would listen better sometimes .There was a time ,I wanted to start a singles network to help singles find support forever. I’m ready to listen if you really need someone to listen (if I’m alive) . These days everyone sets boundaries.everything is a transaction time,topics of discussion….

    1. @ideafan: I don’t think boundaries are supposed to feel transactional or timed. But a lot of people do it that way because it’s easier than reflecting on what they need and how to communicate that with respect.

      I started Alphabet Sambar (my writing community) so I could have meaningful conversations about writing with similar minded people. It was a rich, fulfilling experience in many ways but it came with its share of troubles – always selfish people attacking me for drawing boundaries. These boundaries had to come into place because we had too many instances of misbehaviour (yelling, bullying, abuse) when people expected to have pity parties indulged or tried to incite hatred through their writing and did not like it when we said we’re only going to stick to writing critiques.

      I don’t think it’s either respectful or even kind but an actual act of hateful aggression to tell a person that they’re only allowed to speak for x time and then call that a boundary.

      Also, nobody should be guilted into listening, pandering to or healing someone else’s trauma. It’s why I don’t believe in things like “Post this meme to show someone is always listening to prevent su1cide”. Listening needs to be a conscious, involved act, not a compulsion led by shame or fear of social censure. It’s not possible to do that in every situation and for all people. Choosing when and how and with whom to do that is boundary drawing.