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  1. I clearly missed this one. You wrote this beautiful post when I was nervous, excited, determined and cheerful all at the same time. And just discharged from the nursing home. 🙂

    The little baby is all grown up and now idolises Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes, the Naughtiest Girl in the school and finds Pandas the most adorable living beings.

    Let’s catch up in Dec, shall we?

    1. @Keerti: When I wrote this post, I was anonymous to you. Now that I’m not, I wonder how people will respond when they read the stories I’ve written, which draw from their lives. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

      I’m looking forward to seeing the three of you in December!

  2. @ S: Yes, the posts aren’t going anywhere. Read at leisure! 😉
    @ Cynic in Wonderland: It’s been a long time, lady. Where’ve you been, how have you been?

  3. @ ~The Dreamcatcher~: “Bitterly in love” is a good expression. I see you’ve found your wings. 😉

    @ Adithya: Oh, ouch. You do, don’t you?

    @ Dreamcatcher: Saw. Replied. You saw?

    @ Hyde: I love that song.

    @ Menagerie: Yes, it does..

  4. Wanted to tell you that I finally landed up at your new ‘own’ site and the very first post kept me stuck although I did peep into Sandman.
    As you say, I will take one post at a time and not get worked up over all that I missed 🙂

  5. 12 guys. Pizza dinner treat. Phone call from India. Mom informs about a far off uncle who has just passed away in his 40s, survived by wife and a very young son. I just hang up and someone exclaims, “You know why a pizza is called a pizza? Coz, you eat it piece piece ah(add that Tamil touch to it).” Everyone including me, bursts out laughing.

    I know exactly what you’re talking about.