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  1. 2001 …One of the keys to helping struggling readers is to provide them with books that they can and want to read. Non-fiction books newspapers magazines even comic books can hook students on reading…Charles is a struggling reader.

    1. @business daily: Relatability and ease of reading are definitely vital to a new reader. I don’t know who Charles is but I hope he finds some books to his taste, soon!

  2. Enid Blyton (Famous FIve, Five Find-Outers and the Dog, short stories) ruled my world those days. As I grew older, Nancy Drew intervened. College was characterised by some heavy stuff. Now I am back to Ruskin Bond, R K Narayan, Gerald Durell… simple, light and playful stories. Guess it is a return to innocence for me in my 30s… 🙂

  3. Love the list Priyanka!!
    Just so stories are still my favorites…reading them to the twins right now.