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  1. @ideasmith: Forgetting is not possible, (not without severe brain damamge) not necessary, and whenever claimed, its too melodramatic… i guess everyone defines forgiveness differently too. But forgiveness does not come unless theres an absence of emotion, an abandon rather. Needless to say, in most cases thats a utopian thought, but we try!

    ‘nonnymouss last blog post..Toughies and Wannabees

  2. @ Lekhni: You like? 🙂

    @ ‘nonnymous: Is it? Not quite, that’s forgetting.

    @ manuscrypts: Glory be! I didn’t realise there was a problem. How’d you fix it?

  3. They are like new-age haikus 🙂

    Lekhnis last blog post..WordPress Tip – Identicons and MonsterIds without a plugin