Damning Darwin: The Want World
Everyone wants something, someone, someplace, someday.
I’ve said once that
When I want someone or something
I want it like I want air to breathe
and that
I’ve been asphyxiating for far too long
I don’t want to choke
I don’t want to claw at others and be clawed at, for wanting the same thing
Too many people want something when and because other people want it too. I won’t be one of them, I will not. My life will not be a chase for status symbols, much less about reducing relationships, success, satisfaction and joy into things to be possessed.
But can I submerge what I want, simply because someone else wants it too? Do I have that in me? No, I’m no martyr.
Can I also forget how hungry and deprived I’ve felt
When someone got something I wanted very badly
And can I enjoy what I have in the knowledge that somewhere, somehow, I’ve made a beggar out of someone?
Must it always be a race, a battle for survival?
And if so, why was I one of Darwin’s chosen ones?
I’d probably never appreciate something that I got too easily
But when it comes this difficult, will I ever be at peace to enjoy it?
There is really way too much to want
And too little to go around
Yes, everyone gets tired of waiting. I have and I won’t let myself forget that even when I get what I want. A lot of other people are still waiting.
Darwin can go to hell.
@ Manuscrypts: Do I repeat myself? Do I contradict myself? I’m just us.
@ Someonearbit: In laughter you mean?
@ Sakshi: Haan, sometimes we say such things…
@ Lost_brownie: That’s heartening.
@ Chronicus Skepticus: That’s a thought now. Not exactly what I was thinking when I wrote the post, but I like it anyway.
Go get it girl!
A very wise person once told me, “You get what you settle for”. So just because others will settle for less, it doesn’t mean you should too.
Martys suck.
…and what goes around never comes around to you (yoooouuuuu)….
insert alanis morisette powerful yet nasal voice
you go girl, make darwin kneel!!
Wow…now this is way heavy.
hey, comment disappeared… so here goes again, listen to this weirdness.. i read this and remembered something i had read long ago and liked, and thought had a connection with this.. so i checked my ‘ words i like’ file and found it was part of something…since i thought it wouldnt be nice not to mention the source, i did a google and found this.
ideasmithy – nov 2005 – games i play
Darwin must be turning in his grave… no …Darwin must be rolling in his grave!
hey, comment disappeared… so here goes again, listen to this weirdness.. i read this and remembered something i had read long ago and liked, and thought had a connection with this.. so i checked my ‘ words i like’ file and found it was part of something…since i thought it wouldnt be nice not to mention the source, i did a google and found this.
okay, listen to this weirdness.. i read this and i got this faint memory of something i had read and liked, and somewhere had a connection with this.. so i checked up in my ‘words i like’ file and found it was a part of something..since i thought it wouldn’t be fair not to mention the source, i did a google on it, and found the source http://ideasmithy.blogspot.com/2005/11/games-i-play.html