The Past In 55 Words
55 words: The past is a tricky creature. It never quite stays in its place, does it? It defines the path we take. It makes us who we are.
Navigating Family, Friendship, Marriage, Colleagues, Companions & other social connections
55 words: The past is a tricky creature. It never quite stays in its place, does it? It defines the path we take. It makes us who we are.
I watched the movie ‘Turning Thirty’ yesterday. That title also describes my life. The film was a thoughtful experience.
What happens to a normal, decent nice guy going about his blameless life when he meets misnomers who are misogynist? How easily they all turn.
You know the phrase ‘opposites attract’? What nobody tells you is whether they ever end up happily ever after. Let me illustrate.
There is the family that you are born to and can’t do anything about. There are friends you choose of your own will and from whom you grow away. And there are those your heart beats for (or more likely your hormones delude you with) and from whom you rip…
Love may be a universal need but relationships are certainly not for the faint of heart. Am I a braveheart?
We were talking at cross purposes. We were enjoying domestic reverie together. How did it blossom into completion?
Last month, I was refreshing my make-up, when I stopped dead in my tracks. In that innocuous little plastic holder above the washbasin, there was a third toothbrush.
I actually wrote this post five months ago. I feel more confident about bringing this out so here it is for your reading pleasure!
I’m in a relationship.
A famous couplet by W.H. Auden goes, “If equal affections cannot be, let the more loving be me.”