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Body & Sex | Books | Politics & Feminism | Pop Culture

Everybody’s Got A Story – Heather Wardell: Like Talking To An Old Friend

Everybody’s Got a Story by Heather WardellMy rating: 5 of 5 stars I’ve gotten used to thinking of galley reads as less than perfect in some way, since they aren’t quite the finished product. ‘Everybody’s Got A Story’ was a pleasant surprise in that sense, because I read a pre-release…

Body & Sex | Home & Identity | Politics & Feminism | Pop Culture

Saadgi: The Indian Plain Jane ideal

Western feminism talks about the infantalisation of women. Childish behaviour is rewarded, glorified and in some cases, forcibly attributed too. I think the Indian counterpart is a bit different – but there is an Indian counterpart. The Indian culture, across states idolizes the Plain Jane. In general conversations among my…