Gym fitness couple

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  1. @ Vanessa will: Not at all. It’s just a metaphor. A needle (pin, thumbtack) jumped off my table because it was drawn to a magnet. And so also was I to the muse of this poem.

  2. Question.. Whats the story
    with the needle? Some how
    it seems the poem is about
    drugs? Like he’s telling the
    drugs how beautiful they
    are.. Him being light headed
    n stuff.. Please clear this up
    for me cause the poem is

  3. @ Ashish, Pratik Bubna, Hari Kishore: Thank you very much!

    @ Anon Y.Mouse: To the magnet at the back of my whiteboard cleaner.

    @ Brewster’s Angle: It never stopped. 😛

    @ Anonymous: Thank you for understanding. It’s just that I’ve had some messy issues with plagiarisers and their very-upset friends/girlfriends earlier so I’d rather be cautious. All the best to you.

  4. oh and forgot to add, i wont be using it now…ur point it being creepy kinda says tht u wont be ok with it…with or without credit to u…bt nice poem nyways! 🙂

  5. hi again…i think u got it wrong there…wasnt plannin to pass it off as my own or nything..i cant write a poem if my life depended on it…and she knows this quite well..was just asking if its ok to use it…thts all..i will tell her abt ur blog..and i had shown some of ur stuff to her earlier once as well…srry if it came across as an attempt at plagiarism…

    as for y no name and email, i dont use my real name and email online…thts all..nothing to do with any “mouse”

  6. absolutely stunning!! i plan to use this poem to propose the girl i like…hope there is no copyright issue! 😀