Trust, Actually
If I’m a fool to trust you, what does that say about you?
Nobody’s born suspicious. We trust because we think other people are the way we are. Then someone hurts us and we think everyone else is that way.
Treat every suspicious person you meet, gently. Maybe they’ve been hurt really bad.
What have you ever lost that is so precious that it cannot be found again or replaced? Life, is the only thing that meets that description. If you’re still breathing, then everything else can be found again.
Trust isn’t the blind faith that things will never go wrong. It is the belief that nothing will ever be so bad that it can’t be gotten over or out of.
Trust is not thinking you’ll never hurt me. It’s believing that you’ll not willingly want to.
Trust isn’t relying on those who’ve never sinned. It’s relying on the premise that there is always the possibility of redemption.
And finally, trust in everyone and everything else is built firmly on a foundation of trust in self. Nothing that really matters can be taken away from me.
This is, indeed, worth reading. Nice thoughts on TRUST. Neat.
@Darshan: Thank you!
I love this post, absolutely brilliant! Thank you.
I wish and I hope everyone reads this.
I dont think lost trust can’t be regained. Its a matter of getting over it.
.-= Kabir´s last blog ..Self Improvement-Whatever? =-.
@Prasoon: Precisely.
@Ms Taggart: It’s a personal choice. I think it works on the principle of ‘the more you give, the more you get’.
@Magdalena: Thank you very much. I’m glad it spoke to you.