Tropical Sky
I know this is a slight bit late but what’s a week in a season of three months? My last impression of summer…doesn’t this look like one of those colourful photographs you see in Readers’ Digest about exotic Asian countries? Umm..of course we’re exotic and Asian as well. But I’m quite thrilled with the way this picture turned out, especially when a friend looked at it in amazement, after I told her where I took this and said,
It looks unusually beautiful!

Hmm…I think it is the colour of the sky that does it. And from there, another lovely memory this year. I do my yoga on the terrace of my building in the morning. Last week, right in the middle of our sultry-still morning session, it started to rain. My instructor ordered,
Stay put. It’s just a cloudburst, it will pass.
So we did yoga in the rain. It sounds funny but it was a lovely experience. I’ve always tried to run away from the rain, hating the splashing raindrops on my face and the feel of wet hair strands. I wonder why. Morning yoga is so much about letting go and surrendering to the universe. I welcomed the rain with closed eyes and open arms. Trusting, embracing.
And I drifted into my meditative trance on my place-mat. When I opened my eyes, the clouds had passed and the sky was sparkling clean blue. A few raindrops clinging to the wire overhead, sparkling in the sunlight. Welcome water, welcome monsoon, good morning beautiful sky!

@ rambler: Yes, really!
@ S: It was.
did you really say yoga in rain??