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  1. Well this is Dorian Gray isn’t it? It changes because it gives a perspective of what a beautiful woman has to deal with. But come on Ramya, isn’t this the expected perspective? You could have surprised us at least once with something like “As she became older, she found herself acutely aware that she was biased against the job candidates that were handsome, because she didn’t know how ugly they really were. In order to be fair, she found herself interviewing the handsome one for longer, just to be sure of their skill, and then realised the irony of exactly what she was doing.” And carry on with the story. Some such thing. You know what I mean.

  2. The language is awe-inspiring. However, I believe there could have been a deeper connect of her with herself and probably higher things than just her obsession of self. The object of the story, from what I understand is more like of ‘giving up on material possessions (if I may call it)’. But I am not sure if it is realistic enough. Loved the way you write. The choice of words, made me feel I am reading a mix of Ken Follet and Chuck Palahniuk. The story could have been to a deeper effect. Engaged me throughout, I wish I would write too. But waited long time to see there was little meaning to it.

    1. @Anand Vaidya: Thanks for that. Yes, there is much more that could have been done with this story. It’s difficult trying to get across an idea that’s punchy enough but also has e nough depth, in a short story. Still, that’s the writer’s challenge and I’m working on it. 🙂 Would love to hear your thoughts on the others too!

    1. @Atul Sabnis: Yes to the first thought about the mirror being hero. The scaling up was a happy accident; I didn’t even notice it till you pointed it out. 🙂

  3. how beautiful this piece is written with sober wordings… definitely a tiny tale it is but has an everlasting effect.