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  1. @ La Vida Loca: I don’t doubt any of that. For the rest of us who haven’t been so lucky with finding someone like that, analysis is all that keeps us entertained.

  2. You have certainly thrown out a lot. :mrgreen:
    I want to say one can *think* about relationships, or one can *feel* about them, analyze them to death on the lines of what’s normal and what’s absolute, what’s relative, what’s everybody doing…and so forth. But that just doesn’t work for me (us).

    My joy comes from the mundane/ everyday stuff,accepting him as he is, looking at the hubby and thinking that he is indeed a fantastic guy and that I chose right. And the old stand by emotion, points to joy.

    I realize this is a cliche, but it works for us.

    La Vida Locas last idea: Truth time

  3. @ anand: Hmmmm…..that’s a lot to think about. Thank you for the detailed comment.

    @ La Vida Loca: Waiting for comment part 2.

  4. Comfort level is great for sex I think. You can* have a candid discussion and ask for what you want and what u can do.

    Attraction/ chemistry is kinda basic. Otherwise how is a partner different from a friend. Eg- I have several guy friends and the only person that tugs my heart is the hubby.

    Respect/ common ground- isn’t that essential for love and/ or friendship?

    Hmmm now I am beginning to get confused. BUT the hubby and I were best buddies before love made an appearance.

    Ok now I understand your first question. To me it went like this (in its over simplified version)- some common ground, A LOT of respect, friendship, attraction, love, commitment.

    I’ll prolly come back and comment some more, when I have this processed..

    La Vida Locas last idea: An update