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  1. @ Lekhni: Thengyu!!

    @ chennairamblings: Did you catch him?

    @ Devesh: Bad timing..

    @ Rada: Some sentiment mixed in with good ol’ fashioned starry-eyed-ness! :mrgreen:

    @ Extempore: The pleasure was entirely mine. 😛

  2. I am older than most of you, I guess & thus entitled for some good, old-fashioned ranting! 👿

    Why is the Indian blogosphere’s brightest and best so breatheless about Archer, as if he is a Garcia Marquez or a Graham Greene?

    Have some perspective, people! 🙂

    Radas last blog post..Bhusawal Blues: 2

  3. Dearest, thanks muchly for the coverage! 🙂 And as for the schedule, Lord Archer will be at:

    Pune: right now! 🙂

    Bangalore (Forum Mall, Koramangla): Friday, 23rd May

    Chennai (Apex Plaza, Nungambakkam): Saturday, 24th May

    Sorry to hijack your comment space!

    Extempores last blog post..Deep Blue Something

  4. WHOA!!!!!!!! When was this?!!?

    He was the first fiction author I started reading “big” books from LOL!

    Damn why am I never in India when such events happen 🙁

    I still remember I flew to Sydney and a month later Bryan Adams performed back in 2000 🙁

  5. @ chennairamblings: I’m quite sure he’ll be in Chennai too. That’s the biggest and the first Landmark store after all, isn’t it?

    @ Cynic: Drat! Drat! Drat! Everything happened so quickly I didn’t even have a chance to think.

    @ shady: Yeah rightttttt….. 😈

    @ Lekhni: I’ll say. Though the posts on this blog follow my journey with books but they still do mirror what’s available on the stands. Have you noticed the sudden boom in Indian authors too? It’s practically like the Ms.India-turning-Ms.Universe all over again.

  6. Gah! I meant comment plugin of course 🙁

    Lekhnis last blog post..All tweaking is natural

  7. Yes, sudden boom in Indian authors, and mostly female ones too! It’s good to know that women have some sort of advantage at least in one sphere 😉

    Btw, I love your comment widget..never seen anything like it on any other blog 🙂

    Lekhnis last blog post..All tweaking is natural

  8. First Neil Gaiman, then Jeffrey Archer..is there a sudden recognition of the Indian market for books ? 🙂

    Lekhnis last blog post..All tweaking is natural

  9. Damn…I missed out this biggie moment. Keep your autographed copy in safe and well guarded. Don’t even think to point the blame finger if you discover it missing some day.. 😛

  10. Looks like Mumbai gets all the great ones to visit 🙁
    Archer helped me through so many days at my hostel and I remember reading “Not a penny more , not a penny less” locking myself up in a bathroom so that my teacher couldn’t drag me out to class.
    Needless to say, I got into a bit of trouble after that.
    And I do envy your friend now, since you are giving that book away to her \

    chennairamblingss last blog post..For a comrade