55-Words: Permanence
My idea of permanence in two paintings, two poems.
There was noblesse in his demeanour
A certain aloof pride
He was a brave, after all
What stories the years had etched across his face
In deep furrows and wavering hues
Age, wisdom, fortitude
His identity and his magnificence
And of course his spectacular head-dress, his only vanity


Timeless, unwavering,
And the moon
Inspiring, confusing, enthralling
The lovers gazed spellbound
Momentarily diverted from each other’s faces
While their entourage applauded in silent awe
@ ‘nonnymus:
. Plizz plizz carry the discussion over to XX Factor…as you’ve noticed, I can’t resist answering back!!
lol.. dont!! damn I keep sneaking peeks at XX Factor and trying not to get drowned in it too!! And its also starting to feel like we’re belatedly chatting over ur blog!!
Enough now. Happy writing!
@ ‘nonnymus: Hmm…ever notice how men always talk about how incomprehensible women are but women always say that men are just the same world over? But this discussion should really happening at XX Factor.
about women being crazy balls??? Nah.. this just soldifies my belief in it even more!!
crazy balls are likeable you know..
@ ‘nonnymus: Does that excuse me from your earlier comment?
jesus!! u paint too!!
Brad: Thenk yew!
Sensorcaine: Yes, the Native Indian is the most recent one while the Mughals were done about a year back.
Erm… didja paint them yourself? if you did, i am in awe!
Native American Indian- Very good choice of colors. The right side of the face is slightly pressed in! The shading on the face, the shadows, and the contours are beautifully done. Lovely art.
Folk Lore- Again, damn neat choice of colors. Contrast from the above one; which is an appeal in itself. Beautifully done.
permanence is ethereal. permanence is life…