#Ideastory: Your Secrets
Your secrets
Your secrets
I attended a workshop on Haiku writing and this is what I came up with about my city.
Why is motherhood a decision taken by consensus, not my consent? Do I want kids? I don’t know.
I have adopted the saree as my go-to garment. Its versatility really appeals to my creative side and liberates me from the shackles of womens wear.
I miss the Mumbai of my childhood. I suppose I’ll have to stop calling it ‘amchi Mumbai’ and shift to ‘maari Mumbai’ or ‘saddi Mumbai’ instead.
I tweeted about a funny guy crush. A friend asked what other kind there was and challenged me to write a list.
Secret Shared by L. Marie AdelineMy rating: 3 of 5 stars I’ve read more of the genre after I read S.E.C.R.E.T. so I’m inclined to be a little kinder in my assessment of this book. There is a lot of crass bilge passed off as erotica and this is not…
East and West of Mumbai train tracks
I’ll vouch for the self-confidence this gives a woman. But are men ready for this?
Things that are just never ‘right’ Things that shouldn’t but do enough work well enough Things that are sure-fire bad ideas because…trust me, I’ve tried them!