Not thinking like a man
Just found out that in a particular group of people I know, I’m the woman most men are attracted to. Does that make me feel good? Not. Not as much as it should, considering I’m sworn to thinking like a man. If I were to really think like a man, I should be elated at the notion that I’m the prime object of desire for most members of the opposite sex in a given sample. On the other hand I’m plagued by annoying thoughts like
So I’m the girl they all want to f@#$ but not the one they want to settle down with? Hmph.
I wonder why though. It isn’t even like I’d marry or even date any one of them. This thinking like a man business isn’t as easy as it sounds. And hypocrisy seems to be the only virtue that my generation of women holds dear.
Honestly, we all go on first impressions. Even the most successful relationships..
Precisely, some men can and do move past the physical, some don’t..
@ Scorp Kitten: Candid, that
And an accurate assessment…on the other hand, I’m prone to pessimism given my experience with ‘spending more time’ has only proven that men rarely go beyond the first impression (and experience). Then again, I could be wrong, I have terrible taste in men after all.
@ Rambler:
You’re still welcome to disagree. This is pow-wow space.
@ Jason: LOL…that particular thought wasn’t quite on my mind!
On an other day, I would have disagreed with you strongly for generalizing this, but then guess you have made it clear that this is about male
Wow, now this sounds a little familiar. Yeah I sometimes go right to, “they/he/whoever (smile) just wants to f*&)k. But it’s not until you have engaged in thorough conversation with him that you can find out what his true intentions are.
I think maybe your feeling is coming from “oh okay, I’m hot”, BUT, don’t they see past the PHYSICAL.. I am so much more…!!
There is nothing wrong with spending a little time, that’s really the only way you will be able to discern what he wants. Also, we see the PHYSICAL man first as well. And, sh*)_t, sometimes we don’t even care about intentions..(smile)