love rose thorns

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  1. @ Another Woman: Thengyu!

    @ Sreejith: That’s flattering. Really.

    @ ‘nonnymous: Hmm…need not be, but we make it so, don’t we?

    @ Mehrin: Thank you very much! I’d love to some day…just haven’t mustered up enough of confidence and ideas as yet.

  2. “If love were only enough, I’d be the answer to all the world’s questions”….Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. I wonder how you manage to express yourself so well. Ever considered writing a book? Please do. Would love to add your writings to my collection =)

  3. impressive. But Love need not be so complicated always lady. And love is always unpredictable…. So for all you know, it might turn out to be none of those…

  4. “If my love were a language, it would be Braille.”

    I love Ideasmithy’s avatar as well 🙂