Mango Mood in Mumbai
The last fifteen days of summer!! Already the dark clouds have started gathering in the sky, heralding the onset of monsoon…very soon. *Sigh* Three months of muddy feet, browned clothes, greasy hair and the sniffles. The whole country thinks that rains are romantic and looks forward to the dark clouds with eagerness; I don’t. This isn’t a pretty city and it gets uglier in the rains. Trains stop, traffic stalls, roads flood and everyone’s passing colds to each other. Moreover it reminds me of that miserable time heralding the start of a new school year right after a delightful vacation. ‘Back to the grind’ is the overwhelming feeling I have right through Mumbai’s monsoon.
But today the sun shines and on Random Shuffle, I drift into the streams of
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it’s all right
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say it’s all right
What spells summer better than aamras? Succulent golden-yellow mangoes with their insides scooped out and beaten to smooth consistency. Sweet, so sweet that you can put the sugar-can away.
Aamras with puris, aamras for dessert, aamras just because it’s summer! Every restaurant has it on their menu, with that special note saying ‘SEASONAL’.
Ripe mangoes are the shining symbol of all that summer stands for – lazy luxury, rare decadence, permission to have fun and sleepy bliss. Have the last mango of the season and smile back at the sun….I did!
@ ‘nonnymous, Ashwin Jadhav: Totally! I had another one today!
Ha ha! Did you really have to photography the empty bowl. Anyway, point made.
Shantanus last blog post..The Archipelago & Wine Tasting
Yummmm…. just reading your post made my mouth water. One of my favourite things about the rainy season, aamras!
Ashwin Jadhavs last blog post..It happens only in Kurla…
A typical, wholeheartedly Indian pleasure.
‘nonnymouss last blog post..
@ chennairamblings: Not here, it does’t. It turns warm and sticky after a rain in Mumbai, not cool like the other places.
@ Rada: Yes! I grew up listening to the Beatles. Plizz to plug shamelessly..or at least mail me link.
@ Cynic:
lazy luxury, rare decadence.. bang on!
but i like the rains ( tho) ..even in mumbai ( or at least i like them for the first month or so)
Cynic in Wonderlands last blog post..The Red Pink City
IS, the beatles fan?
What a pleasant surprise!
I am shamelessly tempted to plug one of my older posts, but shall desist with dignity!
Radas last blog post..Transistor Days
Ha, but the onset of the rain also brings in the world of steamy hot pakoras and hot chocolate mugs, blankets around, watching the rain through a window and a great book in hand

chennairamblingss last blog post..A national Vodkathon?