That was somebody’s suspicion. Authorities found nothing. I was clear about it. Why this should happen, I don’t know. The photography clause is simply not clear, and whoever raised the complaint has caused a little harm. I don’t want this to happen again- I want to keep taking photos!
I too took plenty of photos of trains, but the authorities and some very uneasy travellers now take offence to photos being taken on trains. What’s their problem? We’re taking photos as an art, not for the purpose they think we are- actual spies are a lot less visible when they’re taking photos or videos. Makes me wonder whether the most target-rich destination in the world for photographers is also camera-hostile. The pay-for-permission clause is highly questionable.
@Arjun Mohan: I think there is a privacy intrusion that people (rightfully) protest. I wouldn’t like a random stranger to be shooting photographs of me, either. How can I judge whether its being done for artistic or voyeuristic (or even more diabolical) purposes? Besides the definition of art varies from person to person. I try and shoot people either with their permission or where that’s not possible, I shoot so their faces are not clear (a compromise no doubt, but at least their privacy is respected).
Which is the most target-rich destination in the world for photographers, by the way? And what’s this pay-for-permission?
I take precautions not to get people’s faces clearly in my photos, and avoid uniformed personnel. In my photo blog, you rarely see people’s faces clearly. In one incident, I wanted to capture graffiti outside the tracks between Mahim and Bandra- and someone caused a stir. Messy thing. I then asked some hobby photographers who record trains, and they say you pay the Railways for taking photos, but if I have to pay for taking photos that don’t feature Railway property, it’s stupid. I feel photographers should get that law amended, so that at least they declare their photos when questioned, and let go when nothing’s suspect. Photographers hauled up for taking innocuous photos is questionable. Actual spies don’t even show themselves taking photos!
Award-winning photographer and Nikon ambassador Vincent Versace says India is the most target-rich destination for photographers. He’s right about that. He’s lucky not to get hounded like most others are. Security is much tighter in the United States or Europe, but you don’t get hounded for taking photos.
@Arjun Mohan: You’re talking about the graffiti on the walls outside the railway track, facing Tulsi Pipe road? I think you’ve been taken in by someone. Because I was part of all the wall project drives there and took/posed for plenty of pictures without any problems.
That was somebody’s suspicion. Authorities found nothing. I was clear about it. Why this should happen, I don’t know. The photography clause is simply not clear, and whoever raised the complaint has caused a little harm. I don’t want this to happen again- I want to keep taking photos!
I too took plenty of photos of trains, but the authorities and some very uneasy travellers now take offence to photos being taken on trains. What’s their problem? We’re taking photos as an art, not for the purpose they think we are- actual spies are a lot less visible when they’re taking photos or videos. Makes me wonder whether the most target-rich destination in the world for photographers is also camera-hostile. The pay-for-permission clause is highly questionable.
@Arjun Mohan: I think there is a privacy intrusion that people (rightfully) protest. I wouldn’t like a random stranger to be shooting photographs of me, either. How can I judge whether its being done for artistic or voyeuristic (or even more diabolical) purposes? Besides the definition of art varies from person to person. I try and shoot people either with their permission or where that’s not possible, I shoot so their faces are not clear (a compromise no doubt, but at least their privacy is respected).
Which is the most target-rich destination in the world for photographers, by the way? And what’s this pay-for-permission?
I take precautions not to get people’s faces clearly in my photos, and avoid uniformed personnel. In my photo blog, you rarely see people’s faces clearly. In one incident, I wanted to capture graffiti outside the tracks between Mahim and Bandra- and someone caused a stir. Messy thing. I then asked some hobby photographers who record trains, and they say you pay the Railways for taking photos, but if I have to pay for taking photos that don’t feature Railway property, it’s stupid. I feel photographers should get that law amended, so that at least they declare their photos when questioned, and let go when nothing’s suspect. Photographers hauled up for taking innocuous photos is questionable. Actual spies don’t even show themselves taking photos!
Award-winning photographer and Nikon ambassador Vincent Versace says India is the most target-rich destination for photographers. He’s right about that. He’s lucky not to get hounded like most others are. Security is much tighter in the United States or Europe, but you don’t get hounded for taking photos.
@Arjun Mohan: You’re talking about the graffiti on the walls outside the railway track, facing Tulsi Pipe road? I think you’ve been taken in by someone. Because I was part of all the wall project drives there and took/posed for plenty of pictures without any problems.