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  1. Oh. My. God.

    I have been reading all the posts silently till now, but this one just forced me to comment. I feel exactly the same. Albeit, I’m still fabulously single. And it is *this* fear, which doesn’t let me put my guards down. As they say, may be when I find that someone, I wouldn’t care so much. But for today, I just cannot let go of this freedom(?). And as you rightly pointed out, “This is not a feeling most girls grow up with. It’s not something most women ever have a chance to experience in their lifetimes. I have and it’s so amazing…” I know just too well what you mean by that. *sigh*

    1. @bustlingwoods: 🙂 It’s a crazy life, the woman’s life, isn’t it? And welcome to XX Factor! I’m hoping to hear more from you in the form of comments, brickbats (!) and ideas.

  2. I understand it all oh-so-perfectly. And I’m pretty sure that I’d miss being fabulous too when it comes to choosing moderation and sharing over my self-involved (rather self-obsessed) self.

  3. well neva in my life did i read as many blogs as today . . .just cant stop. . .4m d most recent one i read posts dated 2005 !!! amazing . . .i mean hail yu mam 🙂 yu have a total fan in me . . . !!!

    1. @Dr.Rashmi: Thank you very much! I’ve emailed you (check your inbox!!!) and I hope I’ll see you again at XX Factor!