Come September
Where have all the typhoons gone?
Where is the lava of the volcanoes?
The earth does not quake again
The lightning strikes no more
Six centuries it takes
For the dust to settle
And the waterfalls to dry up
Before the first rain starts again
And down below, in the plains
A little green leaf grows
That’s the time it takes to go from peaceful to peaceable.
September will come.
Me too…love and identify with “from peaceful to peaceable”…
@ Vi: Perhaps it was the now-non-existant picture that inspired it?
Boom-crash-bang? I still enjoy their music.
@ Vi: Some trouble with WordPress and/or the picture so I took it off.
@ Sreejith: Am not a big fan. I always thought they were more the ‘boom-crash-bang’ sort? I could be wrong.
This gives out strong ‘Green Day’ vibes. and not just because of the september reference.
The picture doesn’t load.
“From peaceful to peaceable” – I loved that line.