Pop Culture
Books, Film, Fashion, Food, Music, Performance & all things popular culture
I Wear: Oppum Dishpa Style
I spent a crazy five months jumping back into (and subsequently falling off) the ratrace. But it wasn’t without its moments. And people. Dispha is one of those delightful ones that people never tell you about when they’re scaring you about the perils of working life – a colleague who…
A Spy in the House of Love – Anais Nin: Pretty But Unsatisfactory
A Spy In The House Of Love by Anaïs NinMy rating: 2 of 5 stars This book is described as Erotic Fiction. Having read ‘Eros Unbound’ (Nin’s erotica short stories, enjoyed greatly), I began with the expectation of lyricism in the writing too. There was far less sex than I…
The 3 Investigators and the Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot: The Perfect Mystery!
The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot by Robert ArthurMy rating: 5 of 5 stars The Three Investigators, for the uninitiated are a trio of teenage boys who solve mysteries. This series addresses the same audience as that of The Hardy Boys & Nancy Drew but I’d like to think the…
I Style!: Big Bang Srini
A crazy work day is made tolerable by a Vulcan salute from a Sheldon Cooper fan. This is Srinivas Kulkarni (better known as Srini and the inspiration for such Sriniisms as “A Srini in time saves mine” by SWLers). For his poker-face acceptance of my announcement that he was being…
How To Be Good – Nick Hornby: Depressingly Good
A review of ‘How to be good’ by Nick Hornby
Things That Make Me Happy
Watching ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ reminded me of something I keep forgetting – to do what makes me happy. It’s so simple. I keep letting myself get lost.
It’s Not Always Jerry Maguire, Just So You Know
I was watching the first 20 minutes or so of ‘Jerry Maguire’ on TV and it made me feel like writing. Stories like that always do, don’t they? Inspirational ones about people who do something different, face challenges and then overcome them. This was yesterday. The minute I turned the…
The Other Side Of The Table: Madhumita Mukherjee – A Saga in Letters
The Other Side Of The Table by Madhumita MukherjeeMy rating: 5 of 5 stars If you’ve ever been a letter-writer, you will love this book. The story is told entirely through letters between two people. Letter-writing isn’t just a lot art, it’s a lost form of conversations. Time is the punctuation…
How I Met Your Mother & Hated It
Yesterday I came upon a wonderful, if not depressing realisation. Human beings seek the same old social structures everywhere. We replicate the same relationship models, no matter what new social settings we are in. This realization came to me courtesy too many back-to-back episodes of How I Met Your Mother….