Where I Lay My Hands, Is Home
In 2009, the BMC, Mumbai’s civic body invited citizens to come paint the walls of an arterial road abutting the railway track. Home.
Navigating complex emotions of jealousy, ambition, insecurity, joy, fear, peace, anger, happiness, betrayal, contentment, disappointment, love.
In 2009, the BMC, Mumbai’s civic body invited citizens to come paint the walls of an arterial road abutting the railway track. Home.
Do you say all the things to the world that you wish somebody would say to you? Do you hope?
We glorify anger. We present and consume revenge sagas, hate politics. We keep alive an emotional minefield.
I am not a Tamilian. I am not a Brahmin. You erase my identity and you insult my legacy when you call me a TamBram.
Hey you in the dark. Have you looked my way lately? I exist.
Walk the high road because that is the path that YOU deserve to walk on.
Who are you when there isn’t anyone around to recognise you? Do you know this person?
I’m going to treat every meeting like it is a date. Here’s what it means. Here’s why I mean it. A date.
It’s precarious because what can balance atop slime for very long?
I don’t know if you ever have days when you feel like you’re the only beating heart in the world.