A Little Fine-Tuning
A little less anger………………A little more self-confidence
Less wit…………………………Lots more laughter
A little less fear…………………A little more faith
Tone down the bass…………….Bring up the triangle
A little less intensity……………A little more acceptance
Fewer smirks……………………Just a couple more smiles
A little less smartness……………A little more wisdom
Less passion……………………..More emotion
A little less hard work……………A bit more of doing what you love
Go away Rand……………………..Come back Wodehouse
Less fun………………………….More joy
Fewer boundaries………………..But a lot more commitment
Less sugar………Absolutely no saccharine………….More honey
A little less caring….A little more…Less….More….?
its never witty then is it.. it becomes overbearing..
Way to woman…
@ Pragni: Only a little less. Wit is good in a certain measure but have you noticed how some people get carried away with it and will say anything (no matter how illogical, impractical, out-of-context, insensitive it is) just so long as its witty?
@ Pensive: Okay, heavy tuning then….life is a multi-instrument orchestra where something is perpetually falling out of tuning, snapping or going off-key. And well…I’m a graduate of the curriculum after all, I may not keep spouting the lingo (that’s so noveau Landmark!) but I have it all up there.
Hey! Where did the grin go?
“A little less conversation, a little more action please” –Elvis Presley.
Lol. Fine tuning it seems!
Sounds like you’re back into Landmark!
Loved the finale.
all of it sounds reasonable, but why less wit?? A conversation without wit is like Chinese without noodles and Italian without cheese