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  1. our next lunch date in december will be at landmark!

    Jinal Shahs last idea: Why mobile marketing is more successful in India

  2. @ arunima: I know! 🙁

    @ Sumant: Errm, yes. Btw, I checked and your voucher still ought to be valid. And the price for that info of course means that you’re spending the voucher on me? 😉

    @ Rakhi: Ah, well.

    @ Rada: Yes, but at least they have them in different sections! And what’s more, they have a staggering variety of books, catalogued well and served up by a staff that actually knows about books. Unlike a certain other store named after word puzzles. 👿

    @ Tachyoson: I so read you, mate!

    @ Adithya: Big plans for expansion all over the country, I hear.

  3. I know what you mean, I haunt bookstores, whether they be Landmark or Crosswords. its the smell of new pages that gets me high.

  4. Yes, Landmark became hugely successful (initially in Chennai and then in all the other major metro-s) by totally redefining the “visit-to-the bookshop” experience.

    Having said that, I still harbour a soft corner for bookshops which are just that (selling only books) as against shops like Landmark which tend to club books alongwith other paraphernalia such as DVD-s, perfumes, stationery, gifts etc.. 😀

    Radas last idea: One Night in the ICU

  5. Being from Madras, Landmark is first love when it comes to books. It’s great that they are expanding with stores in Bangalore and Bombay in the last 3-4 years. It’s been my favorite bookstore since I was 10 or so.

    Adithyas last idea: Raja Kaiya Vecha…

  6. i’ve only ever felt that kind of attachment with the Blossoms book store in B’lore. The Landmark here is too far away from my usual haunts.