close view of woman with red lips biting gray special wrench

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  1. Here, from Blogadda. I was going through your interesting 30 diaries series when I cam upon this.

    I myself have braces right now and put those green elastic bands. They have so less elasticity that even if they snap inside your mouth, you will hardly feel anything! 😉 Thought I should mention this to lessen your horrors!

    And, yes even my orthodontist cracks jokes while I lie with my mouth wide open, unable to either laugh or comment at them 😉

    1. @Debosmita: Horrible guys, aren’t they, those daant ke doctors?! Welcome to The Idea-smithy and I hope you’ll comment again. Also, do check my other blog The XX Factor.

  2. Can I tell you my horror story now?? pretty please? ok here goes – the anesthesia for some reason was useless for me, so everytime the doc brought any kind of an instrument near my tooth, I felt each and every scrape, pinch, tag, pull, and mass pull. Yes, mass pull. The wisdom tooth refused to come out so the doc and his two assistants were pulling at that instrument thing in his hands, all together, with all their might. May I remind you that the anesthesia was , NOT WORKING!!
    Finally after 2 hours of mass pulling, there was a sickening crunch and the tooth split in three parts and then was pulled out a part after a pain part. I had a swollen face for 3 months after. sigh.
    .-= PS´s last blog ..Yes, all Irishmen are NOT drunks, and gays DONT wear pink socks, or single earrings =-.

  3. 12 wisdom teeth?? Heard this for the first time.
    I too have a problem with my wisdom teeth as in they have come out skewed and they pierce the inner portion of my cheeks to create 2 small nice holes. But I prefer the holes rather than going for the extractions.
    .-= Sudeep´s last blog ..Life is an old lady’s tears =-.

    1. @Ms Taggart: You are a lucky girl if you haven’t had to visit any other medicine men!

      @Sudeep: That might be just one of those freak cases. And arggh, those ‘holes’ are exactly what were causing turmoil inside my mouth. I too thought I’d prefer those to the dentist chair but when my jaws started to lock up, I realised human beings weren’t meant to have tusks!