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  1. This post, and the comment by abby is precisely the reason I’m pseudonymous.

    I encourage anyone who’s starting a blog today to start one without revealing their identity. You always have the choice to do so later on, but I suspect most will choose not to reveal themselves, especially as they get popular..


  2. till the point you have a twitter and a facebook account, people weill keep tagging u unnecessarily! But if you dont have those accounts, you wont have the chance to witness such deeds of close friends. all these social networking sites are a privacy hell hole!

    i started writing a non-anonymous blog 5 years back, and now i am super pissed that why did i associate my identity with it! i wrote a post on that here -> http://www.thefurobiker.com/2010/03/lets-talk.html

  3. You have put my thoughts into words.

    This is exactly what I have been trying to make so many understand.
    That I do NOT appreciate having my privacy invaded.
    Just because I share certain aspects of my life does not give anyone license to try and probe more. (I am talking about virtual world here)

    And when real life friends do this?
    Unpardonable I feel.
    Honest intentions and sensitivity (or lack of it) apart I feel its just basic lack of courtesy.
    Sharing of pictures without my permission gets my goat.
    Wouldn’t have been able to forgive my friend for something as careless done as this.

    Got here through blogadda.Glad I did.

  4. if someone were to ask you who is responsible for the intrusion, what would be your answer.
    I agree its an intrusion, but somewhere there must be a cause for it right, do you think the idea of wanting a ‘selective’ intrusion a big cause in these three encounters..

    all I can say is that, even after almost 6 years of online life, rambler is uncomfortable to come out of the hiding

  5. All my tagged pics on FB are only visible to me. As an added precaution, I have instructed friends to not upload my photographs without my permission.

    Usually, if people are mature enough, a polite request is all it takes to make sure they don’t end up intruding your privacy.

  6. Ah. Complete anonymity on the internet – sounds too good to be true. I was going to ask if the people mentioned are really friends, or just some people you know, but then I read the rest of the post.
    Well, you could make sure all your friends read this post. That would ensure it won’t happen again, but then you’d be called a grouch for doing something like that.
    No possible solutions can I see. 🙁

  7. I’ve always been very clear that for various reasons, I want to maintain my anonymity on Twitter and even my blog. But somehow, I realise, people who are very open about their identity on the web somehow either don’t understand this stand, or are even disdainful of it. While I’m not “friends” per se with most people I speak to on twitter, the few I do know from the offline world persist in calling me by my real name, despite pointed hints. And others keep asking why I put up DPs which don’t show my face completely!

  8. I have found no way other than to distance from those friends. may be stopping them from following you on twitter and facebook?? i personally deleted both…..