Two women

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  1. I’ll be shameless enough to admit. If a woman displays overt emotion, it’s a turnoff for me. Too much love puts me off! It’s a ‘go figure’ situation. And yeah, I was in love with my girlfriend, before she became my girlfriend and after she became my ex-girlfriend. In between, the intensity wasn’t as much! I didn’t run after her, coz’ of my don’t-care attitude; but yeah, the feelings were certainly not the strongest when we were in a ‘committed’ relationship. Hmmm.

  2. Pooh: Too cynical? Well…pays to keep your wits about you, doesn’t it?

    Manasa: That may be true. But its almost too much to resist…digging out the dirty secrets, that is.

    Iyer: Problem with doing that is I end up where I started…with myself. Damn…there aren’t enough people around here :p

    Brad: Yeah, right…that would be a real case of kiss-and-tell. And ‘no comments’ just may be the best thing for you…you don’t want to think of all the things a vindictive ex can say! Also, it seems like men will only run after a woman who doesn’t pay attention to them hence before and after a relationship…makes sense?

  3. An excess of ex-es; You should have thrown in names incognito, helping the reader understand the post better! But it is perfect and tailor-made for people with a Mensa-level IQ. 🙂

    My ex-es would have a ‘no comments’ about anything to do with me 🙁 I feel bad that that I didn’t even make any dent for them to say anything! Or was I just so nice that they don’t have anything to bitch about me! I am still in touch with them and they are ‘oh so nice’ with me! :-/ Why did they break up then? Baah.

    About ex-bfs discussing their common ex-gf; I would say that most normal men are possessive about their ex-es even though their ex-gf does not give a flyin fuck about their existence!!! There, now you’ve been enlightened.

  4. Interesting post…

    I agree its easier to preach than what one needs to learn the most… but then staying to close to exes whether urs or ur interests’ can be nasty.

    I think that once u know a certain things (if required) then maintaining distance seems most prudent.

  5. hmmm..the last line..ugh not something i wanted to hear…but yeah u make sense absolutely and i agree completely …hhehe ..loved the post